Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Organization

Well, I attacked the office space. No not the movie, my home office. I will post the pics soon. Decided that I needed to create a space where I can create. I needed to stop pretending that I will be here temporarily, we are always in a temporary space. I needed to be in an environment where I felt I could think, type, and create for my job. I'm a high school theatre teacher. This is my third career since I began adulthood and I love this job too. This is my first year living alone. Sold the home where I raised my children and now I live in a townhouse a mile from the school where I teach. The house was located 1.5 miles away from the school. Big move huh? This room was a mess, cords from the computer everywhere, stacks of theatre books, files and bills just randomly organized. I just couldn't take it anymore. Put together two bookcases, this was a feat, I'm not really handy with tools. Mounted 3 cd shelves, a cork board, and magnetic strips to hold pictures. Tomorrow I will add another touch.

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